Friday, March 10, 2017


Kleine Basis Werkstatt
10th - 17th - 24th - 31st March - 7th - 21st - 28th April 2017
Art and Architecture Center Bilding, Innsbruck (Austria)

Here some pictures of the art workshop with children between 8 and 10, that took place from march to april 2017 in the art and architecture center Bilding in Innsbruck (Austria). The theme was 'from 2D to 3D painting'.

Ecco alcune fotografie del workshop di arte, che ho tenuto nella scuola di arte e architettura Bilding di Innsbruck (Austria) nei mesi di marzo ed apri e 2017 con bambini tra gli 8 e i 10 anni. Il tema del corso era dalla pittura 2D a quella 3D.

Da die Fotos von dem Kunst Kinder-Workshop den ich geleitet habe, mit Kindern zwischen 8 und 10. Der Kurs hat in März und April 2017 in Kunst-und Architekturschule 'Bilding' in Innsbruck statt gefunden. Das Thema war von 2D zu 3D Malerei.

The 'rotating landscapes' :-) of the children - Photo © Laura Manfredi
Detail of a 'rotating landscape' - Photo © Laura Manfredi
Detail of a 'rotating landscape' - Photo © Laura Manfredi
Detail of a 'rotating landscape' - Photo © Laura Manfredi

Friday, March 3, 2017


Faszination weltweiter Kunst und Farbe
5 - 15 March 2017
Kulturbunker Köln
Berliner Straße 20, Köln

The logo of the exhibitionEnter into Art 2017

More than 400 artworks of artists from 40 Countries and 5 Continents on display in the culture centre Kulturbunker of Cologne, Germany. The exhibition shows small format artworks connected by the themes of inspiration and meditation. 

I show there some of my small prints: 'American Diary' I and II and 'Lake'.

The exhibtion location Kulturbunker Köln, Photo Courtesy Kulturbunker Köln

Oltre 400 opere di artisti da 40 Paesi e dai cinque continenti in mostra al centro culturale Kulturbunker di Colonia, in Germania. La mostra propone opere di piccolo formato legate ai temi dell'ispirazione e della meditazione.

Espongo alcune mie piccole grafiche d'arte: 'American Diary I e II' e 'Lake - lago'.

One of my prints on show at Enter Into Art - Köln © Laura Manfredi

Über 400 Kunstbilder aus 5 Kontinenten und mehr als 40 Ländern. Die Kunstinstallation zeigt kleinformatige Bilder internationaler Künstler unter Einbeziehung meditativer Aspekte.

Ich stelle dort drei Kunstwerke aus: 'American Diary I und II' und 'Lake'.
Picture of the exhibition - Photo Courtesy Enter Into Art